Friday, May 11, 2007

Ultrasound, part trois

Another trip to the Land of the Vaginas® (for those not following along at home, that's the OB/Gyn office) last evening. We went in the building and S had to pee, so I sent her upstairs to take care of that while I checked in. Met her upstairs and we went over to the proper area. When the called her name, we went in, and S was handed the little pee on the strip thing. S said "I just went to the bathroom. Oops. Like this doesn't happen every time, and neither of us remembered it. Anyway, we told her to drink some water and run the faucet. Success.

Over to the nurse station where I noticed a new vagina model that hasn't been there before. S said I was weird.

Quick check up with the nurse/midwife who says everything is fine. Appointments now go to three weeks, then two, then weekly. we go.

Then over to the ultrasound. Baby still is a little shy, but we saw hands and feet, legs and spine. Face looked like it was pushed into the uterus. There's a joke there, but I'm not saying it. Last but not least, the nurse was convinced that what we were seeing was little girl parts and no little boy parts. So, it appears that it is a girl. S has been saying all along that she thought it was so I guess she was right.

Tonight, S starts her Lamaze class with a wonderful lady from church who volunteered to be S's coach. Not me, thank God.

In other news: we've put down a deposit to move in June, so on top of a pregnant teen due in July, I'm going to move to a new domicile the last week of June. Head examined? Probably need it.

Out for now.

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