Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I'm tired. A lot.

But today the reason is that I was awakened at 4:30 something this morning by the question "Dad, how many Braxton-Hicks contractions can I have in an hour before we have to call the hospital?"

Ok. I'm awake. "I think it's six. What did you have?"


I'm out of bed to look at the card that the nurse gave us. It doesn't tell me. S says she'll go look at her book (the binder that they gave her with all the info about pregnancy that one would ever need.)

She comes back and tells me that it is, indeed, six. I ask again how many she had and she tells me 5 in a little more than an hour.

I'm not alarmed, but not altogether calm either.

Go back to bed and relax, I tell her, and I do the same. I was actually able to go back to sleep for a while, but I dreamed of hospitals.

This on top of the fact that last night she announced that she only had 40 days left. My mind said "Ahhhhhh!", but my persona remained cool as a cucumber. In the next forty days I have to pack everything we own, move into a new apartment, take S to 5 doctor appointments, a hospital orientation and a lamaze class, complete adoption paperwork, contact the sperm donor dad, become a grandfather, and the good Lord only knows what else.

I need a vacation.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Ultrasound, part trois

Another trip to the Land of the Vaginas® (for those not following along at home, that's the OB/Gyn office) last evening. We went in the building and S had to pee, so I sent her upstairs to take care of that while I checked in. Met her upstairs and we went over to the proper area. When the called her name, we went in, and S was handed the little pee on the strip thing. S said "I just went to the bathroom. Oops. Like this doesn't happen every time, and neither of us remembered it. Anyway, we told her to drink some water and run the faucet. Success.

Over to the nurse station where I noticed a new vagina model that hasn't been there before. S said I was weird.

Quick check up with the nurse/midwife who says everything is fine. Appointments now go to three weeks, then two, then weekly. we go.

Then over to the ultrasound. Baby still is a little shy, but we saw hands and feet, legs and spine. Face looked like it was pushed into the uterus. There's a joke there, but I'm not saying it. Last but not least, the nurse was convinced that what we were seeing was little girl parts and no little boy parts. So, it appears that it is a girl. S has been saying all along that she thought it was so I guess she was right.

Tonight, S starts her Lamaze class with a wonderful lady from church who volunteered to be S's coach. Not me, thank God.

In other news: we've put down a deposit to move in June, so on top of a pregnant teen due in July, I'm going to move to a new domicile the last week of June. Head examined? Probably need it.

Out for now.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

No post in awhile... here's one:

Without going back to check, I'm not positive I ever mentioned that S is giving this baby up for adoption. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that before and since there's only two of you that ever read this, even though you don't comment just so that I know you're alive, and you both know, it's probably a moot point to mention it. Can you say "run-on sentence"? Should the question mark go inside the quotes in the last sentence? I'm never sure about that end of sentence punctuation when there's quotes involved. I could probably reach across the desk for Strunk and White's Elements of Style and it would tell me, but I'm on a roll and don't want to slow down. make a long story short, S is considering a couple that I know from work as the adoptive parents. Some seem to think that's a bad idea (S's mom) and others seem to think it's a good idea. All I know is that I've trusted God this far with this thing and I truly believe that we are being led that way, so that's good enough for me. If he doesn't want it that way, he can let us know.

They're a very Godly family. They are already a family of four, with two young girls (± 5 and ± 2), the oldest of which has Cystic Fibrosis. The mom is going to homeschool the girls. They have a nice little house in one of the older parts of Tustin, with a big back yard, and lots of kids in the neighborhood. All the things S never had.

They are very supportive of S's wish to have an open adoption, even to the point of regular contact. It really does feel like a God thing.

S hasn't made the final proclamation yet, although I think she's made the decision is her mind. She asked if we could go back to the Korean BBQ Buffet where we met them last week for dinner, and I think she wants to make her announcement. So, we're going out to dinner again this Saturday. If you're a praying person, offer one up for us.